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Our team has got over 90 articles in refereed SCI journals (e.g. with almost 10 articles per year). Among these, over 50% were published in the top 10 to 20% ranked journals in Marine & Freshwater Biology, Environmental Sciences or Oceanography. Our Hirsch Index of 33 from the ISI database (i.e. 20 items that have ≥ 20 citations each), totalling more than 3300 citations for my journal papers with an average of 25 citations per article. 


In 2020 (*corresponding author) 


  • Kanmani CR, Yu Z, Roberts S, Thiyagarajan V* (Under review) Oyster biomineralization under ocean acidification: from genes to shells. Global Change Biology (Impact Factor 8.8) 


  • Lim YK, Cheung K, Dang X, Roberts S, Wang X, Thiyagarajan V* (2020) DNA methylation changes in response to ocean acidification at the time of larval metamorphosis in the edible oyster, Crassostrea hongkongensis. Marine Environmental Research Volume 163, January 2021, 105217 (Impact Factor 3.4)


  • Kanmani CR, Thiyagarajan V* (2020). Molecular adaptation of molluscan biomineralisation to high-CO2 oceans: the known and the unknown. Marine Environmental Research 155: 104883 (Impact Factor 3.4)


  • Dang X, Wong NK, Xie Y, Thiyagarajan V, Mao F, Zhang X, Lin Y, Xiang Z, Li J, Xiao S, Noor Z, He Y, Zhang Y, Yu Z Autophagy dually induced by AMP surplus and oxidative stress enhances hemocyte survival and bactericidal capacity via AMPK pathway in Crassostrea hongkongensis. Frontiers Cell Developmental Biology (Impact Factor 5.18)


In 2019 


  • Vellwock AE, Fu J, Meng Y, Thiyagarajan V, Yao, H (2019) A data-driven approach to predicting the attachment density of biofouling organisms. Biofouling 35: 832-839 (Impact Factor 2.84)


  • Meng Y, Li C, Li H, Shih K, He C, Yao H, Thiyagarajan V* (2019) Recoverable impacts of ocean acidification on the tubeworm, Hydroides elegans: implication for biofouling in future coastal oceans. Biofouling 35: 945-957 (Impact Factor 2.84) 


  • Fitzer SC, Chan VBS, Meng Y, ChandraRajan K, Suzuki M, Not C, Toyofuku T, Falkenberg Laura, Byrne M, Harvey BP, De wit P, Cusack M, Gao KS, Taylor P, Dupont S, Hall-spencer J, Thiyagarajan V* (2019). Established and emerging techniques for characterising the formation, structure and performance of calcified structures under ocean acidification. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57: 89-126 (Impact Factor 6.28) 


  • Meng Y, Guo Z, Yao H, Yeung KWK, Thiyagarajan V* (2019) Calcium carbonate crystal unit realignment acts as compensatory physiological mechanism for acidification tolerance in the estuarine edible oyster species. Marine Pollution Bulletin 139: 141-149 (Impact Factor 3.75) 


In 2018 


  • Campanati C, Dupont S, Williams GA, Thiyagarajan V* (2018). Differential sensitivity of larvae to ocean acidification in two interacting mollusc species. Marine Environmental Research 141: 66-74


  • Meng Y, Guo Z, Fitzer SC, Upadhyay A, Chan VBS, Li C, Cusack M, Yao H, Yeung KWK, Thiyagarajan V* (2018) Ocean acidification reduces mechanical properties of the Portuguese oyster shell with impaired microstructure: a hierarchical analysis. Biogeosciences 15: 6833-6846


  • Meng Y, Fitzer SC, Chung P, Li C, Thiyagarajan V*, Cusack M* (2018) Crystallographic Interdigitation in Oyster Shell Folia Enhances Material Strength. Crystal Growth & Design 18: 3753-3761


  • Fu J, Zhang H, Guo Z, Feng D, Thiyagarajan V, Yao H (2018) Combat biofouling with microscopic ridge-like surface morphology: a bioinspired study. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15: 20170823 (Impact Factor 3.75)


In 2017 


  • Chan VBS, Toyofuku T, Wetzel G, Saraf L, Thiyagarajan V, Mount A (2017) Characterization of calcification events using live optical and electron microscopy techniques in the marine tubeworm. Journal of Visualized Experiments 28: 120 



  • Sunday JM, Fabricius KE, Kroeker KJ, Anderson KM, Brown NE, Barry JP, Connell SD, Dupont S, Gaylord B, Hall-Spencer JM, Klinger T, Milazzo M, Munday PL, Russell BD, Sanford E, Thiyagarajan V, Vaughan ML, Widdicombe S and Harley CDG (2017) Ocean acidification can mediate biodiversity shifts by changing biogenic habitat. Nature Climate Change 7, 81–85 (Impact Factor 20.89)



In 2016 


  • Upadhyay A, Thiyagarajan V, Tong Y (2016) Proteomic characterization of oyster shell organic matrix proteins (OMP). Bioinformation 12: 266-278 



  • Dineshram R, Chandramouli K, Ginger KWK, Zhang H, Qian PY, Ravasi T, Thiyagarajan V* (2016). Quantitative analysis of oyster larval proteome provides new insights into the effects of multiple climate change stressors. Global Change Biology 22: 2054–2068 (2016) 


  • Mechanical robustness of the calcareous tubeworm Hydroides elegans: warming mitigates the adverse effects of ocean acidification. Biofouling 32, 191-204


  • Peng TC, Thiyagarajan V, Hwai AT. (2016) Assessment of temperature effects on early larval development survival of hatchery-reared tropical oyster, Crassostrea iredalei. Tropical Life Science Research 27: 111-116. 




In 2015 


  • Chan VBS, Toyofuku T, Wetzel G, Saraf L, V. Thiyagarajan*, Mount AS (2015). Direct deposition of crystalline aragonite in the controlled biomineralization of the tubeworm. Frontiers in Marine Science 2:97. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00097


  • Campanati C, Yip S, Lane A, Thyagarajan V* (2016) Combined effects of low pH and low oxygen on early-life stages of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73: 791-802


  • Dineshram R, Quan Q, Sharma R, Chandramouli K, Yalamanchili HK, Chu I, Thiyagarajan V* (2015). Comparative and quantitative proteomics reveal the adaptive strategies of oyster larvae to ocean acidification. Proteomics 15:4120-4134


  • Lane A*, Campanati C, Dupont S, Thiyagarajan V* (2015). Trans-generational responses to low pH depend on parental gender in a calcifying tubeworm. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 10847


  • Chan VBS, O. Vinn, Chaoyi Li, Lu XW, Shih K, Zhang T, Kudryavtsev AB, Schopf JW, Thiyagarajan V* (2015). Evidence of compositional and ultrastructural shifts during the development of calcareous tubes in the biofouling tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. Journal of Structural Biology 189: 230-237 



In 2014 


  • Li C, Chan VBS, He C, Yao H, Shih K, Thiyagarajan V* (2014). Weakening mechanisms of the serpulid tube in a High-CO2 world. Environment Science and Technology 48: 14158- 14167


  • Gaylord B, Kroeker KJ, Sunday JM, Anderson KM, Barry JP, Brown NE, Connell SD, Dupont S, Fabricius KE, Hall-Spencer JM, Klinger T, Milazzo M, Munday PL, Russell BD, Sanford E, Schreiber SJ, Thiyagarajan V, Vaughan MLH, Widdicombe S, Harley CDG (2014) Ocean acidification through the lens of ecological theory. Ecology 96:3–15


  • Ko WKG, Dineshram R, Campanati C, Vera B.S. Chan, Jon Havenhand, (2014). Interactive effects of ocean acidification, elevated temperature and reduced salinity on early-life stages of the pacific oyster. 48:10079−10088


  • Maneja, R.H, Dineshram, R, Thiyagarajan V*, Browman H.I., Skiftesvik A.B, Frommel A.Y, Clemmesen C, Piatkowski U, Geffen A.J, Folkvord A (2014). Proteome of Atlantic herring larvae is resistant to elevated CO2. Marine Pollution Bulletin 86:154-60 (Impact Factor 3.75)


  • Cheung SG, Chan CY, Po BH, Li AL, Leung JY, Qiu JW, Ang PO, Thiyagarajan V, Shin PK, Chiu JM (2014). Effects of hypoxia on biofilms and subsequently larval settlement of benthic invertebrates. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85: 418–424 (Impact Factor 3.75)


  • Cheung SG, Shin PKS, Leung JYS, Qiu JW, Ang PO, Thiyagarajan V, Chiu JMY (2014). Acute hypoxic exposure affects gamete quality and subsequent fertilization success and embryonic development in a serpulid polychaete. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85: 439–445 (Impact Factor 3.75)


  • Marco Milazzo, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Vera Bin San Chan, Maoz Fine, Cinzia Alessi, Thiyagarajan V, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Renato Chemello (2014). Ocean acidification impairs vermetid reef recruitment: bad news for a marine biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 4189 



In 2013 


  • Leung JYS, Cheung SG, Qiu JW, Ang PO, Chiu JMY, Thiyagarajan V, Paul Shin (2013). Effect of parental hypoxic exposure on embryonic development of the offspring of two serpulid polychaetes: Implication for transgenerational epigenetic effect. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74:1,149-155. (Impact Factor 3.75)

       Time Cited: NA, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.75, Journal Rank: 13/86, top 15.1% (MFB)



  • Mukherjee J, Wong KKW, Chandramouli K, Qian PY, Leung PTY, Wu RSS, Thiyagarajan V* (2013). Proteomic Response of the Marine Invertebrate Larvae to Acidification and Hypoxia at the Time of Metamorphosis and Calcification. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:4580-4589

       Time Cited: NA, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.316, Journal Rank: 14/83, top 16.87% (Biology) 




  • Shin PKS, Leung JYS, Qiu JW, Ang PO, Chiu JMY, Thiyagarajan V, Cheung SG (2013). Hypoxia induces abnormal larval development and affects biofilm–larval interaction in the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans. Marine Pollution Bulletin 76: 291–297

    Time Cited: NA, Contribution: 20%, IF: 3.75, Journal Rank: 13/86, top 15.1% (MFB) 


  • Chan VBS, Thiyagarajan V*, Lu XW, Zhang T, Shih K (2013). Temperature dependent effects of elevated CO2 on shell composition and mechanical properties of Hydroides elegans: Insights from a multiple stressor experiment. PLoS One: e78945. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078945

       Time Cited: NA, Contribution: 50%, IF: 4.224, Journal Rank: 7/56 (Multidisciplinary Science)


  • Mukherjee J, Po BHK, Chiu JMY*, Wu RSS, Qian PY, Thiyagarajan V*(2013). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) does not alter metamorphosis but changes proteome of the invasive sleeper limpet Crepidula onyx. Marine Pollution Bulletin 73(1):273-281 

       Time Cited: 0, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.153, Journal Rank: 13/86, top 15.1% (MFB)


  • Ko WKG, Chan VBS, Dineshram R, Choi KSD, Li JA, Ziniu Y, Thiyagarajan V* (2013). Larval and post-larval stages of pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) are resistant to elevated CO2. PLoS One (8(5)): e64147

    Time Cited: 1, Contribution: 50%, IF: 4.224, Journal Rank: 7/56 (Multidisciplinary Science) 


  • Dineshram R, Thiyagarajan V*, Yu Ziniu, Shu Xiao, Priscilla T. Y. Leung, Ackley Lane (2013). Elevated CO2 alters larval proteome and its phosphorylation status in the commercial oyster, Crassostrea hongkongensis. Marine Biology 160:2189-2205 Time Cited: 3, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.491, Journal Rank: 18/100, top 18% (MFB)


  • Lane AC, Mukherjee J, Chan VBS, Thiyagarajan V* (2013) Decreased pH does not alter metamorphosis but compromises juvenile calcification of the tube worm Hydroides elegans. Marine Biology 160:1983-1993

    Time Cited: 5, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.491, Journal Rank: 18/100, top 18% (MFB) 


  • Leung YS, Shin PKS, Qiu JW, Ang PO, Chiu JMY, Thiyagarajan V, Cheung SG (2013). Physiological and behavioural responses of different life stages of a serpulid polychaete to hypoxia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 477: 135-145

    Time Cited: 2, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB)


In 2012 


  • Thiyagarajan V*, Ko WK (2012) Larval growth response of the Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata) to multiple climate change stressors. Aquaculture 370-371: 90-95 Time Cited: 4, Contribution: 50%, IF:1.735, Journal Rank: 7/40, top 17.5% (Fisheries)


  • Sun J, Wang M, Wang H, Zhang H, Zhang X, Thiyagarajan V, Qian P, Qiu J (2012) De novo assembly of the transcriptome of an invasive snail and its multiple ecological applications. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 1133-1144

    Time Cited: 3, Contribution: 50%, IF: 4.15, Journal Rank: 7/136, top 5.1% (Ecology)


  • Dineshram R, Lane A, Wang K, Xiao S, Yu Z, Qian PY, Thiyagarajan V* (2012) Analysis of Pacific oyster larval proteome and its response to high-CO2. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 2160-2167

    Time Cited: 10, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.153, Journal Rank: 13/86, top 15.1% (MFB) 


  • Thiyagarajan V* (2012) A multidisciplinary team approach is required to understand larval metamorphosis in high-CO2 coastal oceans. Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography 1: 1-2

    Time Cited: 2, Contribution: 100%, IF: 


  • Chan VBS, Li C, Lane AC, Wang Y, Lu X, Shih K, Zhang T, Thiyagarajan V* (2012) CO2-Driven Ocean Acidification Alters and Weakens Integrity of the Calcareous Tubes Produced by the Serpulid Tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. PLoS One 7: e42718

    Time Cited: 8, Contribution: 50%, IF: 4.224, Journal Rank: 7/56 (Multidisciplinary Science) 



Before 2011 



  • Kelvin W, Ackley L, Leung P, Thiyagarajan V* (2011). Response of larval barnacle proteome to CO2-driven seawater acidification. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 6: 310-321

       Time Cited: 16, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.656, Journal Rank: 15/149, top 10.1% (Zoology) 


  • Zhang Y, Sun J, Xiao K, Arellano SM, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY(2010) 2D gel-based multiplexed proteomics analysis of differentially regulated proteins during larval development and settlement in the polycheate. Hydroides elegans. Journal of Proteomic Research 9: 4851-4860 Time Cited: 14, Contribution: 50%, IF: 5.223, Journal Rank: 10/75, top 13.3% (BRM) 


  • Sun J, Zhang Y, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY, Qiu JW (2010). Protein Expression during the Embryonic Development of a Gastropod. Proteomics 10: 2701-2711

    Time Cited: 13, Contribution: 50%, IF: 4.223, Journal Rank:14/75, top 18.7% (BRM) 


  • Li H, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2010). Response of cyprid specific genes to natural settlement cues in the barnacle Balanus (= Amphibalanus) amphitrite. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 389: 45-52

    Time Cited: 9, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Thiyagarajan V, Tsoi MMY, Zhang W, Qian PY (2010). Temporal variation of coastal surface sediment bacterial communities along an environmental pollution gradient. Marine Environmental Research 70: 56-64

    Time Cited: 5; Contribution: 70%, IF: 2.488, Journal Rank: 20/100, top 20% (MFB) 


  • Thiyagarajan V*, Lau SCK, Tsoi MMY, Zhang W, Qian PY (Invited paper – 2010). Monitoring bacterial biodiversity in surface sediment using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis (T-RFLP): application to coastal environment. In: South China Sea tidal flats, Atsushi Ishimatsu (ed), TERRAPUB, Japan. 151-163 

      Time Cited: 1, Contribution: 70%. 

       Monitoring Bacterial Biodiversity in Surface Sediment Using › onlineproceedings › pdf 


  • Thiyagarajan V* (Invited Review – 2010). A review on the role of chemical cues in habitat selection by barnacles: new insights from larval proteomics. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 392: 22-36

    Time Cited: 19, Contribution: 70%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB)


  • Mok F, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2009) Proteomic analysis of larvae during development, competence and metamorphosis in the polychaete worm Pseudopolydora vexillosa. Proteome Science 7:44

    Time Cited: 14, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.385, Journal Rank: 37/75, top 49.3% (BRM) 


  • Zhang R, Lau SCK, Ki JS, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2009). Response of bacterioplankton community structures to hydrological conditions and anthropogenic pollution in contrasting subtropical environments.FEMS Microbiology Ecology 69: 449- 460Time Cited: 9, Contribution: 30%, IF: 3.563, Journal Rank: 7/100, top 7% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Tim Wong, Qian PY (2009). 2D Gel-based proteome and phosphoproteome analysis during larval metamorphosis in two major marine biofouling invertebrates. Journal of Proteome Research 8: 2708-2719

    Time Cited: 34, Contribution: 50%, IF: 5.223, Journal Rank:10/75, top 13.3% (BRM) 


  • Hung OS, Lee OO, Thiyagarajan V, He HP, Xu Y, Chung HC, Qiu JW, Qian PY (2009). Characterization of cues from natural multi-species biofilms that induce larval attachment of the polychaete Hydroides elegans. Aquatic Biology 4: 253-262

    Time Cited: 10, Contribution: 30%, IF: 1.881, Journal Rank: 49/100, top 49% (MFB)  


Before Joining HKU 


  • Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008) Proteome analysis of larvae during development, attachment and metamorphosis in the fouling barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. Proteomics 8: 3164-3172; Time Cited: 36, Contribution: 80%, IF: 4.223, Journal Rank: 14/75, top 18.7% (BRM)


  • Zhang R, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008) Evaluation of terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in contrasting marine environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 65: 169-178

    Time Cited: 36, Contribution: 40%, IF: 3.563, Journal Rank: 7/100, top 7% (MFB)


  • Chiu JMY, Zhang R, Wang H, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008) Nutrient effects on intertidal community: from bacteria to invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 358: 41-50

    Time Cited: 13, Contribution: 20%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB)  


  • Hung OS, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008) Preferential attachment of barnacle larvae to natural multi-species biofilms: Does surface wettability matter? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 361: 36-41

    Time Cited: 17, Contribution: 30%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB)


  • Chiu JMY, Wang H, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008). Different timings of larval starvation caused different latent effects on juvenile Crepidula onyx through different mechanisms. Marine Biology 154: 91-98

    Time Cited: 5, Contribution: 20%, IF: 2.491, Journal Rank: 18/100, top 18% (MFB) 


  • Mok F, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2008) Larval development and metamorphic behaviour of the subtropical spionid polychaete Pseudopolydora vexillosa. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 357:99-108

    Time Cited: 7, Contribution: 30%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Thiyagarajan V, Pechenik JA, Gosselin LA, Qian PY (2007) Juvenile growth in barnacles: combined effect of delayed metamorphosis and sub-lethal exposure of cyprids to low salinity stress. Marine Ecology Progress Series 344:173-184

    Time Cited: 14, Contribution: 70%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB)  


  • Chiu JMY, Ng TYT, Wang WX, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2007). Latent effects of larval feeding experience on juvenile filtration rate, carbon assimilation and growth of the gastropod Crepidula onyx. Marine Ecology Progress Series 343:173-182

    Time Cited: 9, Contribution: 20%, IF: 3.158 , Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB) 

       Latent effects of larval food limitation on filtration rate, carbon › articles › meps2007


  • Hung OS, Thiyagarajan V, Zhang R, Wu RSS, Qian PY (2007). Attachment response of Balanus amphitrite larvae to biofilms originated from contrasting environments in Hong Kong: results of laboratory and field experiments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 333:229-242; Time Cited: 22, Contribution: 30%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB) 



  • Chiu JMY, Thiyagarajan V, Pechenik JA, Qian PY (2007). The influence of temperature and salinity on microbial film development and metamorphosis of the prosobranch gastropod Crepidula onyx. Marine Biology 151:1417-1431

    Time Cited: 24, Contribution: 30%, IF: 2.491, Journal Rank: 18/100, top 18% (MFB) 



  • Thiyagarajan V, Lau SCK, Cheung SCK, Qian PY (2006) Cypris habitat selection facilitated by microbial films influences the vertical distribution of subtidal barnacle Balanustrigonus. Microbial Ecology 51: 431-440

    Time Cited: 24, Contribution: 70%, IF: 3.677, Journal Rank: 33/136, top 24.3% (Ecology) 


  • Thiyagarajan V, Soo L, Shin PKS, Qian PY (2006) Spatio-temporal variation in sediment biochemistry alters larval habitat selection and juvenile performance in the polychaeteCapitellasp. I. Marine Ecology Progress Series 327: 207–222

    Time Cited: 12, Contribution: 70%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Soo L, Qian PY (2005) The role of sediment organic matter composition in larval habitat selection by the polychaete Capitella sp. I. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 323: 70-83

    Time Cited: 16, Contribution: 80%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Hung OS, Chiu JMY, Wu RSS, Qian PY (2005) Growth and survival of juvenile barnacle Balanus amphitrite: interactive effects of cyprid energy reserve and habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 299: 229-237

    Time Cited: 26, Contribution: 80%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB) 



  • Qiu JW, Thiyagarajan V, Cheung SCK, QianPY (2005) Toxic effects of copper on larval development of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51:688-693 Time Cited: 11, Contribution: 30%, IF: 3.153, Journal Rank: 13/86, top 15.1% (MFB)


  • Lau SCK, Thiyagarajan V, Cheung SCK, Qian PY (2005) Roles of bacterial community composition in biofilms as a mediator for larval settlement of three marine invertebrates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 38: 41-51

    Time Cited: 68, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.408, Journal Rank: 33/100, top 33% (MFB) 



  • Hung OS, Gosselin LA, Thiyagarajan V, Wu RSS, Qian PY (2005) Do effects of ultraviolet radiation on microbial films have indirect effects on larval attachment of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 323: 16-26; Time Cited: 13, Contribution: 30%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Hung OS, Thiyagarajan V, Wu RSS, Qian PY (2005) Effects of ultraviolet radiation on biofilms and subsequent larval settlement of Hydroides elegans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 304: 155-166

    Time Cited: 19, Contribution: 30%, IF: 3.158, Journal Rank: 8/86, top 9.3% (MFB) 



  • Chiu JMY, Thiyagarajan V, Tsoi MMY, Qian PY (2005). Qualitative and quantitative changes in marine biofilms as a function of temperature and salinity in summer and winter. Biofilms 2:183-195

    Time Cited: 7, Contribution: 30%.[Opens in a new window]


  • Thiyagarajan V, Harder T, Qian PY (2003a) Combined effects of temperature and salinity on larval development and attachment of the subtidal barnacle Balanustrigonus Darwin. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 287: 223-236

    Time Cited: 50, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2003b) Effect of temperature, salinity and delayed attachment on development of the solitary ascidian Styelaplicata(Lesueur). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology290: 133-146

    Time Cited: 43, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Harder T, Qian PY (2003c) Effects of TAG/DNA ratio and age of cyprids on post-metamorphic growth and survival in the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83: 83-88

    Time Cited: 10, Contribution: 50%, IF: 1.266, Journal Rank: 63/100, top 63% (MFB) [Opens in a new window]


  • Thiyagarajan V, Harder T, Qiu JW, Qian PY (2003d) Energy content at metamorphosis and growth rate of the juvenile barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Marine Biology 143: 543-554 Time Cited: 57, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.491, Journal Rank: 18/100, top 18% (MFB)


  • Lau SCK, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2003) The bioactivity of bacterial isolates in Hong Kong waters for the inhibition of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite Darwin) settlement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 282:43-60

    Time Cited: 43, Contribution: 30%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Qiu JW, Thiyagarajan V, Leung AWY, QianPY (2003) Development of a marine subtidal epibiotic community in Hong Kong: Implications for deployment of Artificial Reefs. Biofouling 19: 37–46

    Time Cited: 26, Contribution: 30%, IF: 3.396, Journal Rank: 6/100, top 6% (MFB)


  • Qian PY, Thiyagarajan V, Lau SCK, Cheung SCK (2003) Relationship between bacterial community profile in biofilm and attachment of the acorn barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 33:225-237

    Time Cited: 89, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.408, Journal Rank: 33/100, top 33% (MFB) 



  • Thiyagarajan V, Venugopalan VP, Nair KVK, Subramoniam T (2002a) Larval settlement behaviour of the barnacle Balanus reticulatus in the laboratory. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 82:579-582

    Time Cited: 11, Contribution: 50%, IF: 1.02, Journal Rank: 63/100 (MFB) [Opens in a new window]


  • Thiyagarajan V, Harder T, Qian PY (2002b) Effect of the physiological condition of cyprids and laboratory-mimicked conditions on the metamorphic success of Balanus amphitrite Darwin (Cirripedia; Thoracica). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 274: 65-74; Time Cited: 25, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Harder T, Qian PY (2002c) Relationship between cyprid energy reserves and metamorphosis in the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin (Cirripedia; Thoracica). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 280:79-93

    Time Cited: 28, Contribution: 50%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Harder T, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2001a) Effect of cyprid age on the settlement of Balanus amphitrite Darwin in response to natural biofilms. Biofouling 17: 211-219

    Time Cited: 38, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.396, Journal Rank: 6/100, top 6% (MFB)


  • Harder T, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY (2001b) Combined effect of cyprid age and lipid content on larval attachment and metamorphosis of Balanus amphitrite Darwin. Biofouling 17: 257–262

    Time Cited: 15, Contribution: 50%, IF: 3.396, Journal Rank: 6/100, top 6% (MFB)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Venugopalan VP, Nair KVK, Subramoniam T(1999a) Fouling barnacles: Larval development, settlement behavior and control technology. Journal of Indian Institute of Science 79: 399-414

    Contribution: 75%, IF: 0.692 



  • Thiyagarajan V, Venugopalan VP, Nair KVK, Subramoniam T (1999b) Relative tolerance of cirripede larval stages to acute thermal shock: a laboratory study. Journal of Thermal Biology 25: 451-457

    Time Cited: 13, Contribution: 75%, IF: 1.39


  • Thiyagarajan V, Venugopalan VP, Nair KVK, Subramoniam T (1997a) Macrofouling in the cooling conduits of Madras Atomic Power Station. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 26: 305-308

    Time Cited: 4, Contribution: 75%, IF: 0.562, Journal Rank: 53/100, top 88.3% (Oceanography)


  • Thiyagarajan V, Venugopalan VP, Nair KVK, Subramoniam T (1997b) Larval description of Balanus reticulatus (Cirripedia, Balanidae) reared in the laboratory. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209: 215-231

    Time Cited: 8, Contribution: 75%, IF: 2.473, Journal Rank: 27/100, top 27% (MFB) 


  • Venugopalan VP, Subramoniam T, Nair KVK (1997c) Naupliar development of (Cirripedia,Balanidae) reared in the laboratory. 17: 332-342; Time Cited: 2, Contribution: 75%, IF: 1.125, Journal Rank: 64/100, Top 64% (MFB)


  • Thiyagaragan V, Venugopalan VP, Subramoniam T, Nair KVK (1996) Rearing of barnacle Balanus reticulates Utinomi larvae using the diatom Chaetoceros wighami as food. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences25: 365-367

       Time Cited: 5, Contribution: 75%, IF: 0.562, Journal Rank: 53/100, Top 88.3% (Oceanography)



Lab Leader

Dr. ThiyagaRAJAN Vengatesen

School of Biological Sciences,
Rm 2S-03, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, 

The University of Hong Kong,



Lab Technician
Jessie Lai
Phone: (852) 2299-0633

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