dang xin
How I got here:
I started my internship training with Rajan’s supervision at Prof Yu’s laboratory in SCSIO, Guangzhou, before I came to HKU as PhD student. I am from Ocean University of China with a Bachelor degree in Aquaculture.
PhD Project:
During my internship training period, I have managed to learn oyster hatchery operations and larval rearing and importantly, examined autophagy and immune system in the Hong Kong oyster species, which was published on Frontiers in Cell and Dev Biology. Currently, I am focusing on my PhD research topic, to link with metabolic physiology, bacterial communities and specifically oyster immune response under ocean acidification and other multiple climate change drivers. I am also working very closely with my colleagues, James Lim and Li Yang, and hope to broaden my research portfolio through interdisciplinary collaboration.
Application of advanced molecular biology, immunology and microbiology to provide new insights for oyster aquaculture and disease control.
My contribution to the Lab so far: Rajan’s view
You are amazing Xin – very impressive start of your research carrier with a good publication using your internship work. Most importantly, your joint work with James and the way you have trained Li Yang in the hatchery and your skill of keep our lab connected with several mainland oyster experts are amazing. Now in this COVID period, your bold effort to go to hatchery to successfully spawn 2nd generation OA adapted oysters is outstanding. Wish you all the best Xin.
E-mail: dangxin902@outlook.com
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xin_Dang7